A bottle that can produce hydrogen. Hydrogen water is scientifically proven to offer incredible health benefits. This is because hydrogen molecules are so small that they can remove the blood-brain barrier, neutralizing free radicals that are very destructive and make the air harmless and eliminated by the body. Hydrogen water can benefit every organ in the human body including the brain, pancreas, heart, liver, eyes, skin, lungs, stomach & colon. This is because hydrogen water has anti-inflammatory, anti-apoptotic power and acts as a strong antioxidant to reduce oxidative stress that destroys cells and DNA bodies that cause disease. Hydrogen Rich Water bottle is 3 in 1. Can produce enriched air with 5000 parts per billion (ppb). The sealin, can be used with commercial water bottles and can smell hydrogen gas. Hydrogen gas is an inert gas.
Using the electrolysis process by using two titanium plates coated with platinum.
- High anti-oxidant content
- Helps to reduce diabetes
- Increase HDL (good fats)
- Stabilize emotions
- Overcome cancer
- Improve cardiovascular
The First Way
- Put boiled water in the bottle.
- Press the button twice to produce 5000ppb in 10 minutes.
- Water is ready to drink after 10 minutes.
Second Way
- Attach the commercial bottle to the bottle base.
- Press the button twice to produce 5000ppb in 10 minutes.
- Water is ready to drink after 10 minutes.
How to Smell Hydrogen Gas
- Attach the breathing tube to the base of the bottle.
- Put the tube in the nose.
- Press the button twice to smell 5000ppb hydrogen gas.
- Repeat the third step up to 1 hour.
Bottle Care
- Only charge when necessary for 1-3 hours.
- Soak the site with a tablespoon of food vinegar for 30 minutes and rinse.
*The base of the bottle should always be dry from water